Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

Stainless Steel Wire Mesh

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Product information

Wire clothes are used for multi-industries necessities. The quality is 304/316 and 304 quality exists in our stocks. 316 quality is special request. 304 quality wire meshes also known as 18-8. %18 shows the chromium and %8 the nickel scale.

304 is the main sort of Stainless Steel and resisted againts oxidation up to 450°C. The mechanic and friction resistance maintained very well. Applies areas are chemistry, petro-chemistry, food, kitchen, automotive, medicine industry and preferably used for boilers and excharges productions  

316 quality wires contain %2 extra mobilden. This material resisted against salt, acide and sea water. These wires well known as 18-10. %18 chromium, %10 nickel, and resisted against oxidation up to 650°C. Possesing good resistance against breaking and bending. Applied areas are chemistry, petrochemistry, food, textile, paper industries as preferably used against sea-corrosion and industrial conditions.


Kullanım Alanları

Plastik, kimya ve fiber endüstrisi
Rafine, kurutma ve filtreleme işlemleri
Otomotiv sanayi
Hava yastığı imalatı ve muhtelif filtre imalatı
Gıda endüstrisi
Kurutma, taşıma, dondurma işlemleri
Kağıt Sanayi
Kurutma ve yıkama işlemleri
Elektronik ve bilgisayar endüstrisi
Baskı ve delme işlemleri
Makina ve metal endüstrisi
Hararet, ameliye işlemleri


  • Product Code: Stainless Steel Wire Mesh
  • Availability: In Stock
  • 0.00₺
  • Ex Tax: 0.00₺

Tags: Stainless, Steel, Wire, Mesh